

Alexandra Galkina, Xenia Gnilitskaya, Diana Machulina, Alexander Pogorzhelsky
In order to look through this book in the exhibition hall, please book via phone +7 (495) 691 34 07

Doublethink — a notion, introduced by George Orwell in his novel-antiutopia “1984”. It denotes the state of individual mind, when one’s reasoning is based on the mutually incompatible ideas and believes. In a narrow sense doublethink is nothing else but hypocrisy. In the present, broad and morally neutral sense it is a mosaic mentality, which creates weird “multilingualism” and the corresponding way of reaction.

A group exhibition of four young artists at Stella Art Foundation at Mytnaya ulitsa, titled “Doublethink” is dedicated to a spontaneously developing new art language, to be more exact — to languages, as today art is trying to speak two or even several languages at a time.

Text, interview: Vladimir Levashov 
Languages: Russian, English


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