Foundation News

Boris Manner’s interview about “The Ideal Museum. Renaissance Rediscovered“ premiere

Stella Art Foundation / 06 July 2023 Boris Manner’s interview about “The Ideal Museum. Renaissance Rediscovered“ premiere

1. All in all, what is your impression of this documentary’s premiere?

It was a really beautiful place, the Uffizi’s courtyard. I was quite surprised that there were a lot of people in this late hour: it was quarter to ten and we started even a little bit later than it was planned because we were waiting for the Uffizi Gallery’s director, Eike Schmidt. The atmosphere was really good in general and the night was beautiful and moony.

2. What moment of the event you consider as the most memorizable?

I saw portions of the films on a tablet and this documentary was really good for a big screen, so the picture itself was truly memorizable. Also, the fact that collaborations between cultural institutions of Russia and Italy, for example, are still possible is inspiring.

3. What can you say about the premiere’s guests?

There were no discussions afterwards, but the atmosphere was warm, all guests stayed where they were after the screening and gave us a long applause.

4. Would you like to join another international project of this kind in future?


Sure, sure. I would join such project again but it’s hard to say when, where and how it could be realized. I can’t make any predictions these days.